FIRE - Financial Independence Retire Early

Follow my journey to FIRE, as I publish how I plan to get there.


Jon Wright

Every week I send out the latest posts from the FIRE UK community of bloggers, podcasters and YouTubers


ETF vs Fund – What’s the Difference?

A couple of things have prompted me to write this article explaining the differences worth knowing between an ETF vs a Fund. For those of you that read this blog regularly you’ll know that I switched platform to Hargreaves Lansdown recently which caused me to sell my Global All Cap Fund and swap it for

Read more >ETF vs Fund – What’s the Difference?

VWRP vs Global All Cap

VWRP vs Global All Cap: What’s The Difference?

Intro Having recently switched from the Global All Cap to VWRP (FTSE All-World) due to the fee structure at my new broker. I thought I’d dig into the detailed difference for anyone else looking at which fund is right for them. What is VWRP? To give it its full name, the Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS

Read more >VWRP vs Global All Cap: What’s The Difference?

FIRE Annual Review 2023

FIRE Annual Review of 2023

I realise that March is an odd time to do a review of my FIRE 2023 progress but it marks roughly one year since I started to set things out on this blog, it ties in with my birthday, the chancellors budget and the tax year end. So it kinda makes sense to me. Maybe

Read more >FIRE Annual Review of 2023

What Is FIRE

What is FIRE and how do I achieve it

FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) means different things to different people. In short, though, it is about saving & investing enough money, usually regularly, to be able to retire early and live off your investments. Why don’t more people achieve FIRE If you asked the vast majority of people if they would like to work

Read more >What is FIRE and how do I achieve it

Defined Benefit Pension And FIRE

Defined Benefit Pension and FIRE

Some of us older Financial Independence types, or those who work in certain public sector roles, are lucky enough to have Defined Benefit pensions. But what is rarely talked about in any detail is how you should factor a Defined Benefit pension into your FIRE planning. Given that both MAFF (my wife) & I have

Read more >Defined Benefit Pension and FIRE

Transferring Investment Accounts

Transferring Investment Accounts – And Getting Paid For It

I have been thinking about transferring our investment accounts (ISA & SIPP) away from our current provider (to save on fees) for some time, so I thought I’d bite the bullet and take advantage of one of the cashback offers this year. In this post, I’ll detail the offers available and give you my experience

Read more >Transferring Investment Accounts – And Getting Paid For It

Best Trading Platform In The UK For Larger Accounts

Best Trading Platform in the UK for Larger Accounts -2023

I have decided to take a look at my current trading platform costs to see if I can get a cheaper one without compromising on quality of service/range of services or safety. So is there a better or best trading platform in the UK for larger accounts? By ‘larger’ I talking investments of circa £250k

Read more >Best Trading Platform in the UK for Larger Accounts -2023

‎Emotional Stages of Retirement

Emotional Stages of Retirement

Retirement, at any age, is a significant life event that can cause a range of emotions. We all tend to concern ourselves with the financial side of retiring early and forget about the emotional stages of retirement. The different feelings we all go through as we near retirement and once we retire. I remember when

Read more >Emotional Stages of Retirement

How Much Do I Need To Retire At 55

How Much Do I Need To Retire At 55

The seemingly simple question of ‘how much do I need to retire at 55’ is actually far from simple to answer definitively. All the articles I read online about it fell very short of providing a comprehensive enough answer to be useful. So I thought I’d write up my thoughts on the matter based on

Read more >How Much Do I Need To Retire At 55

FIRE Types by Value of Investment Pot

FIRE Types – Lean FIRE, Chubby FIRE, Fat FIRE etc.

As you explore the FIRE movement you will come across terms such as Lean FIRE, Chubby FIRE, Fat FIRE etc. But what do these terms actually mean? To my mind there are two ways of defining these terms, the first is the more subjective ‘what kind of lifestyle does my FIRE income allow me to

Read more >FIRE Types – Lean FIRE, Chubby FIRE, Fat FIRE etc.